Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Sensor



FPL reached out to FAU with the express intent of having a team of students develop and implement an early-warning detection-and-alert system capable of monitoring Maintenance of Traffic (hereinafter “MOT”) zones. MOT zones are generally used for controlling the flow of traffic in an area such that workers may conduct roadside maintenance. This project stems from a two-year old incident, whereby an individual recklessly entered an MOT zone at a high rate of speed and missed a worker by a mere two inches. Our project aims to be “eyes” on the back of all workers’ heads, protecting them via the disruptive use of innovative technologies, including machine learning, camera vision, and computerized analysis of objects in visual frames. Likewise, our project leverages extant technologies, like LiDAR sensors, to detect and measure the distances of potential threats, as well as their oncoming speeds.​


Community Benefit

Our small, rugged haptic bracelet provides for wearable solutions in the field, capable of being clipped onto a belt or wrist, and fully promising alerts of varying intensity based upon the degree of proximity warning. We have produced for FPL a product that is capable of revolutionizing MOT zones and integrating new technologies to protect roadside workers from ever-emerging threats. In response to FPL’s concerns about new threats, we have crafted an ultimately new solution, protecting both drivers and roadside workers.​


Team Members


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